「the phony peace heroes create
will dye people with evil.」

fe:h ID: 844-481-7013
3DS friend code: 4227-3084-9853
switch friend code: SW-7511-4868-5693
obey me! friend code: 750-172-464
dragon raja: Xaphiel
zepeto: S4R5M2
name: alex
pronouns: they/them
house: slytherin + gryffindor
date of birth: june 18th | 21 y.o.
zodiac: ☼ gemini, ↑ aquarius, ☾ aries
other: intp-a | chaotic neutral | phlegmatic | type 5
demi/pansexual + gender-fluid. pennsylvania, usa.
i love cats, reptiles, and anything mysterious and somewhat terrifying (the paranormal, the deep ocean, space, etc.).
my main accounts are under the name koujakuzure, which includes a twitter, a tumblr, and an instagram.

i have a lot of interests, especially media-wise. these are just my more current interests + things you might see me post about more frequently. italicized are what i commonly post on my personal twitter and tumblr. check out more info here.
animanga: boku no hero academia, golden kamuy, mob psycho 100, one-punch man, jojo's bizarre adventure, demon slayer, hetalia, ao no exorcist, kill la kill, space dandy, ouran high school host club
gaming: yakuza, fire emblem, the arcana, the last of us, bioshock, uncharted, silent hill, detroit become human, persona 5, mystic messenger, obey me!
other: marvel, supernatural, it's always sunny in philadelphia, steven universe, how to get away with murder, south park, american horror story, voltron, good omens, adventure time, invader zim
i have a thing for villains, anti-heroes, and morally-gray characters. i'll never excuse a character's wrongdoings, but i'll still appreciate the character regardless. if you don't like this, i recommend not following me.


favorite characters: tanigaki genjirou
favorite pairings: tanigaki/ogata, sugimoto/ogata

favorite characters: tenga onigawara, arataka reigen, shigeo kageyama
favorite pairings: human!dimple/reigen

favorite characters: tenya iida, inasa yoarashi, dabi, toshinori yagi, yuga aoyama, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, hitoshi shinsou, hawks, miruko, overhaul, twice, gentle criminal
favorite pairings: kirishima/bakugou, momo/jirou, denki/jirou, midoriya/uraraka, midoriya/todoroki, kirishima/tetsutetsu, denki/mina, inasa/iida, mirio/tamaki, endeavor/hawks, dabi/hawks

favorite characters: garou, metal bat, saitama, genos, boros, mumen rider, do-s, eyesight
favorite pairings: metal bat/garou, genos/garou

favorite characters: tengen uzui, mitsuri kanroji, tanjiro kamado, gyomei himejima, inosuke hashibira, genya shinazugawa, sabito, akaza, daki, yushiro
favorite pairings: inosuke/tanjiro, inosuke/zenitsu, tanjiro/kanao, iguro/mitsuri, giyuu/sabito, murata + zenitsu, zenitsu + nezuko, shinobu + giyuu, tamayo + yushiro, inosuke + zenitsu + tanjiro

favorite characters: okuyasu nijimura, jotaro kujo, josuke higashikata, kira yoshikage, hol horse, risotto nero, bruno bucciarati, guido mista, cioccolata, hot pants
favorite pairings: joseph/caesar, avdol/polnareff, josuke/okuyasu, jonathan/erina, jotaro/kakyoin, hol horse/dio (crack), ermes/jolyne/ff (ot3), johnny/gyro, gappy/yasuho

favorite characters: tenga onigawara, katsuya serizawa, arataka reigen, shigeo kageyama, ryou shimazaki, toichiro suzuki
favorite pairings: serizawa/reigen, sg!ekubo/reigen, teruki/shigeo, ritsu/shou

favorite characters: aph prussia, 2p!america, aph america
favorite pairings: america/england, prussia/canada, germany/italy, spain/romano, america/2p!america
favorite characters: ryouma, ashura, dimitri, zero, owain, kagero, saizou, silas, camilla, chrom, lon'qu, brady, shamir, claude, manuela
favorite pairings: chrom/robin, dimitri/byleth, inigo/gerome, tiki/say'ri, zero/kamui, ashura/kamui, soleil/ophelia, sylvain/felix, dedue/ashe, mercedes/annette, hilda/marianne
i ain't gonna police nobody on what they post on their own account, but please read this before you determine whether you should follow me or not.
don't follow if:
you're racist, lgbtphobic, sexist, alt-right, etc.you use slurs you can't reclaimyou consider yourself a "fujoshi" and fetishize mlm (or if you fetishize wlw)you believe pansexuality + bisexuality are the same, or that one is superior to the otheryou endorse pedophilia and incest (including "shotacon" and "lolicon")you repost art without properly crediting the original artist/you support those who repost art without properly crediting the original artistyou're ONLY following for a follow-back, rather than for me and my account's contentyou're never gonna interact with any of my posts; no point in ghost-following! :')
before you follow:
if you can, please tag animal abuse and graphic depictions/descriptions of gore and surgical proceduresmy accounts are generally NSFW-free! i have separate NSFW accounts for the purpose of sharing NSFW contenti won't always follow back, i'm sorry! i always look at everyone's profile to get a good look at 'em generally-speaking before i decide to follow, though. having a carrd or listography usually helps a bunch, so i can get to know a bit more about ya that your account may not show at first glance!if ya need to softblock for any reason, feel free! but also, don't be afraid to message me on curiouscat or in my dms!
if you have any questions/concerns, feel free to hmu!

「human beings are strong
because we can change ourselves.」